2012년 4월 25일 수요일

삼성 갤럭시S3 실물 제작견본 유출사진

삼성 갤럭시S3 실물 제작 견본 유출 사진

Another 'Next Galaxy' dummy unit appears, throws Android style guide to the wind 

Except it ain't. It's another bit of secrecy in the never ending chain of Samsung Galaxy Next S III tales, and this one from the Taiwanese forum mobile01 truly takes the cake. The casing, yellow friction tape and all, is clearly not the finished product and the monstrosity of an action bar across the bottom makes me hope the view on the screen is faked as well. Don't get me wrong -- I'm a fan of buttons, including the coveted menu button, but forcing it off to the wrong side as in the above screen is not only against the Android style guidelines, but it's a giant mess for app development waiting to happen. At least HTC's offerings would look right when (if) apps get updated with the ICS UI. But this? There's no rhyme or reason. 

I want to see this phone as much as the next guy. I'm excited to see what Samsung counters the HTC One series with, but if this is it I'm going to have to say no thanks Samsung. That's why I'm not buying it.