2012년 4월 26일 목요일

갤럭시S3 벤치마크 테스트 결과 - Galaxy S III AnTuTu benchmark

갤럭시 S3 벤치 마크  테스트  결과 - Galaxy S III AnTuTu Benchmark

Galaxy S III beats all comers in AnTuTu benchmark 

With the Samsung “next Galaxy” event fast approaching, news of the impending Galaxy S III is coming in from all over. The latest and certainly most interesting tidbit comes from the AnTuTu benchmark app, which keeps a database of the fastest devices that have used their app and servers. Lo and behold, the Galaxy S III showed up in the results today, smoking every other Android device yet tested. Yup, even the reigning king of processor performance, the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime. 

And here’s the really interesting bit: the Galaxy S III appears to have done it with a dual-core processor. The device in question was using an Exynos chip, but not the quad-core version we had been expecting from other leaks. The processor is an Exynos 4212 running at 1.4Ghz. Note that every benchmark is different; other well-known testing methods may put the Tegra 3 or Snapdragon S4 on top. But in any case, there’s little doubt that the Galaxy S III will be a performance monster. 

Other specs on display back up rumors we had heard previously, including a 4.7-inch 720p screen, 12-megapixel camera and Android 4.0. The front-facing camera is a whopping 2 megapixels, while the system memory is a more conventional 1GB (not the 2GB we’d heard from at least one source). While the dual-core chip is just a little disappointing, it looks like the Galaxy S III won’t be suffering much from just two cores. Remember to keep an eye on Android Community on May 3rd – we’ll be covering live from the Samsung’s London event.

갤럭시 전문 판매
GS SHOP 휴대폰/스마트폰 - KTF, LGT, SKT, 번호이동, 신규가입, 기기변경, 블루투스, 악세사리, 스마트폰
11번가 핸드폰/액세서리 - SKT, KTF, LGT, 보상, 신규, 번호이동, 최신 인기 휴대폰, 공짜폰, 중고핸드폰, 액세서리
G마켓 핸드폰/액세서리 - 최신휴대폰, SKT, KTF, LGT, 신규, 번호이동, 기변, 공기계/중고폰, 휴대폰 액세서리
AK몰 휴대폰 - SKT/KTF/LGT/KT 신규가입, 번호이동, 보상가변, dmb, 삼성액세서리, 일반액세서리
갤럭시s - 월4회 최대 11,000원씩 아끼는 T멤버십 특급혜택. 최대11% 쿠폰중복할인.
11번가 갤럭시s - 월4회 최대 11,000원씩 아끼는 T멤버십 특급혜택. 최대11% 쿠폰중복할인.
옥션 핸드폰/액세서리 - 번호이동, 신규가입, 보상기변, 스마트폰, 액세서리, 핸드폰 할부구매, 누구나100%쿠폰지급.

AnTuTu 어플 다운 및 자세히 알기 http://zinill.blogspot.com/2012/04/antutu-benchmark.html